Tuesday 23 September 2014


I reboot.

Whenever there is an unsolvable problem blocks our advance, we reboot the computer. It is so easy. It is the one-solve-all solution.

Can we reboot our lives?

When we don't know what to do tomorrow.

When we've done something unbearably wrong.

When we can't advance any more...

How do we reboot?

Step 1
Stop doing anything.

Step 2
Start the very necessary operation - eat, sleep, shower

Step 3
Start doing one thing that you really like - as for this moment, read

Step 4
Start doing another thing that you really like

Step 5
Start doing then one more thing that you really like


Step n
System crushes. You reboot again.


Day One

Today is worth celebrating, because today I have nothing to do. As for yesterday, I decided I will do whatever I like for the rest of life. How can I be so arrogant that I think I can decide what I will do for the rest of my life? This absurd question is not so absurd if you think about it for a while. What gives you the power of deciding your own destiny? your super-rich parents? your forgiving girlfriend? your smartass IQ? the very god? or yourself?

Before answering all this questions, I have to confess I am an rather reasonable gentleman, at least I am reasonable when I am not on anything and I am gentle most of the time. Thus, I wouldn't be surprised the first question come to my mind when I told myself that I would like to write was 'how are you gonna support yourself?' The reasonable me would reply with a series of imagined bestsellers and mind-blowing books by Dear Priacyer in the short future which would bring me a rather good fortune. However the second question from the miserable me followed 'But you studied not writing in school!'. I guess now I would have to live with that for the rest of my life.

As most teenage movie starts with a self-description, I would like to follow the tradition. My name is Piracyer. I studied computer science and management in a rather good university. While my fellow classmates either busy killing themselves slowly through endless programming, working their way up through the corporate ladder or plotting shaky startup ideas in the hope of disturbing the existing market in a short sweet home run, I am sitting here determined to do whatever I like for the rest of my life. It would be a beautiful story if I can end it here without going to wash my toilet a few seconds ago.

Of course a story never ends at its introduction.